Paradox 悖論 是指同時存在多個互相矛盾但是各自合理的論述,悖論除了本身的矛盾進而引發人思考的特質外,其獨創新格的思路是最令人著迷的 我們認為在建築領域中,任何事情並沒有絕對的正確,未來的一年裡,我們期許大家能在邏輯縝密的前提之下開闢出屬於自己一套獨到的建築觀點,並在成長的過程不斷與更多思維互相碰撞,衝撞出意想不到的想法 為此我們將今年第十五屆畢業班的主題命名為空間悖論。
Paradox,is a phenomenon which contrdictory statements exist at the same time,and each statement makes sense individually. Other than thought-provoking conflicts in the paradox,the most fascinating factor of paradox is to drive people thinking in a new way. We believed that there is no absolutely right in architecture. And in the coming year,on a firmer foundation of rigorous logic,we hope that everyone could form their own unique architectural viewpoints. And by collision of different ideas,you may always find unexpected ideas poping up in your minds. Therefore,the theme for the fifteenth graduating class is named as:Paradox Space!
展覽資訊 | 文化 x 銘傳_建築畢業聯展
展覽地點: 松山文創園區 三號倉庫
展覽日期: 2018.06/07-06/10
展覽時間: 10:00 - 18:00